Saturday, October 21, 2017

The start

So its a Saturday night and I am at home in my bed... watching netflix. Sounds great? The issue is that whenever I have nights like this I just seem to contemplate my life and get super emotional. Topic of the night: Me being alone
At 22 this shouldn't be a big deal but the thing is every time I meet someone something happens. I swear I bring around all the f***boys.
1: Guy who actually dated my roommate then they broke up. Two years later he kisses me and says he always liked me and I'm nothing like her.... find out he pretty much is with a different girl every night.
2: Guy who has been talking to me for a while and things were going good until I just found out he has a girlfriend in another state who he doesn't tell anyone about.
3: Guy who texts me everyday and is super nice but I haven't seen him in person in months. Makes me question if this is going anywhere...? Do I give up?

And many more I just am soon frustrated and then I get to nights like this where I am so lonely and I drive myself crazy or do something stupid.

I am trying to understand what is wrong with me or this generation to where every guy I meet is a douchebag.

I am 22, I work out but I don't have that perfect body either. I have traveled the world, am applying for PA, and I feel like a powerhouse (independent) so what is it that there are no decent guys in the world out there for me.

I don't want to be lied to and I don't want the game.

Any advice?

PS sorry for bad grammar or anything. I was never good at that and I really done expect anyone to read this anyway lol

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